Sale / Disposition

We can help in selling your property by; Market your Property via online or our agents, Find Buyers for your property, Do the Site Visit and Negotiation with the buyers, Sell and Transfer the title to your buyer.

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Market your Property

We can market your property using a pool of agents and broker network or via online.

Find Buyers

We can help in finding buyer and filter the best transactions.

Site Visit and Negotiation

We can do the ocular visit on the property with buyers. Also do the negotiation for the sale to push through.

Sell & Transfer

We can help doing the due diligence on the property as well as transfer titles on the property.

Rent Out

If you wish to find a good lessee for your property we can help you find that special person. We have a pool of broker networks and agents who can help you find the perfect lessee to take good care of your investments.


Be part of HIVE

Please contact us so that we can discuss with you one-on-one on your most convenient time which service or product you would like to know more about.