Achieve your Dreams

Travel, Buy a House or Car or start your own Business, Make all these dreams come true by planning ahead. Use your Insurance to get these benefits of compounding, and reach your Goals one step at a time.


Choose a destination of your choice. Your Life Insurance can help you achieve your travel plans.

House or Car

Your Life Insurance planning can help make this long term or short term dream come true.


Want to create your own business? Your Life Insurance can help you save up for the future ahead.

Live a Comfortable Retirement

Make this dream a reality. Use your Life Insurance to plan for your retirement or To pass on your hard earned investments. Live comfortably and happiest on your most important years.

Retirement Planning

Live comfortably in your most wonderful years. Retire without having to worry about your expenses.

Health Care for Senior

This is a special product that can help you financially in times where you need your health to be protected.

Estate Planning

Making sure that your loved once can inherit your hard earned assets. Careful planning is needed to subdivide your inheritance.

Protect your Business

Insure yourself for your business to continue. Insure the Key people in your business or insure the most important assets to your business, your employees.

Insurance for Employees

Give the best gift to your employees and give yourself a peace of mind.

Insurance for Key Persons

Protect your business by Investing on the the key people of your business operations.

Insurance for Businessman

Beneficiaries can be one of the following the business or your loved once or both.

Insurance for Schools

To help students financially in cases of accidents, this product is focused on schools with 5 or more students enrolled yearly. It also gives FREE INSURANCE FOR TEACHERS depending on the number of student insured.

Grade School and High School

The best product to insure the students to aid in paying for accidents. This product is yearly renewable. It is one of the most affordable insurance product that can ease financial distress.


Focused on insuring students in college degree with a minima of 5 students to insure. This product can offer help on accidents with free insurance for teachers and is yearly renewable.

Be part of HIVE

Please contact us so that we can discuss with you one-on-one on your most convenient time which service or product you would like to know more about.