MOH Realty

Over 5 Years in the Real Estate industry, Has serviced over 300 real estate transactions. MOH Realty is HIVE’s Partner Real Estate Broker.

Sunlife Financial

The number 1 Life Insurance Company in the Philippines. Sunlife offers Life Insurance and Financial Products. HIVE together with Sunlife wishes to promote financial awareness and combat poverty in the Philippines.

P2P Trade Online

By Papa Securities

With over 30 years in the Market. Papa Securities is one of the leading and most renowned names when it comes to stocks investments. HIVE holds seminars with Papa’s Securities’ Broker for basic Stocks 101 and use of the Online tool.

Treebox Manila Co.

Offset Printing

Treebox Manila Co. specializes in printing services for personal and commercial use. Treebox Manila Co. caters to a wide variety of industries such as food, real estate, health care, electronic, legal and many more.

Hexagon Software Solutions

Creating customized software solutions and online systems like company websites, payroll systems, e-commerce websites, collaboration tools, productivity tools, etc.

Be part of HIVE

Please contact us so that we can discuss with you one-on-one on your most convenient time which service or product you would like to know more about.